Judy M. Taguiwalo, PhD, for 2009 U.P. Faculty Regent

Please nominate DR. JUDY M. TAGUIWALO for 2009 U.P. Faculty Regent. First Round of Nomination is from October 21 to 24, 2008. Email friendsofjudytaguiwalo@gmail.com for inquiries.
Attached here as PDF documents are her credentials and nomination form. Far below you will find the 2009 U.P. Faculty Regent Selection Schedule.
Who can nominate (and eventually vote) for Dr. Judy M. Taguiwalo as 2009 U.P. Faculty Regent? -- from INSTRUCTORS up
Her impressive and respectable credentials as an academic and a public leader make
the best person to be nominated (and selected) as 2009 U.P. Faculty Regent:
Professor, Department of Women and Development Studies, College of Social
Work and Community Development, University of the Philippines, Diliman
Ph.D. Philippine Studies, CSSP, U.P. Diliman
M.A. in Public Administration, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
B.S. in Social Work (cum laude), University of the Philippines, Diliman
No. of years in service as faculty in U.P.:
17 years (including three years as lecturer)
Important Positions Occupied in U.P.:
• Chair, U.P. Diliman University Council Committee on Faculty Development, Conduct and Welfare (January 2004-present); The committee successfully worked for amending the BOR-approved policy for U.P. Diliman on “up or out” for Instructors and “in or out” for temporary Assistant and Associate Professors, removing the original lifetime ban on rehiring of those who were not able to complete the requirements for promotion to Assistant Professor (for Instructors) or for tenure (for Assistant Professors and Associate Professors).
• Member, U.P. Diliman University Council Committee on University Governance (January 2008-present)
• Member, U.P. Diliman University Council Committee on National Programs and Policies (January 2001-January 2004)
• Chair, Department of Women and Development Studies, College of Social Work and Community Development, University of the Philippines, Diliman (2000-2002)
• Director, Research and Extension for Development Office (REDO), College of Social Work and Community Development, University of the Philippines, Diliman (June 2004-May 2006)
• Chair, Academic Union Panel, Collective Negotiation Agreement (CNA) between the U.P. Administration and the All U.P. Academic Employees Union (2007-present)
• Founding National President, All U.P. Academic Employees Union; The union of the rank-and-file faculty and REPS of U.P. has actively worked for the welfare of the academic staff. Among the gains were the P20,000 centennial bonus, ensuring the 10% salary increase for UP employees and the grant of the P1,500 rice subsidy.
• National Vice President for Faculty, All U.P. Academic Employees Union (2008-present)
• Convenor, U.P.-Wide Democratization Movement 2 (U.P. Widem 2) which actively lobbied the Congress and the Senate for the democratization of U.P. governance and for safeguards against commercialization and corporatization of U.P.
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2009 Faculty Regent Selection Schedules
First Round of Nomination: October 21-24, 2008
Who can nominate (and eventually vote) for Dr. Judy M. Taguiwalo as 2009 U.P. Faculty Regent? -- from INSTRUCTORS up
Names of all nominees and total number of votes shall be submitted by CUs to the OVPAA on October 25, 2008
Office of the President shall determine the top 5 nominees. Will be asked to submit their CV, proposed plan for faculty welfare and their understanding of the role of the OFR in the current context of the university on or before November 3
OVPAA will provide CUs with copies of the CVs and plan on November 5
During the second and final round of nomination, only one nominee shall be chosen by each faculty
The schedule for the second and final round of nomination shall be determined by each CU
The results of the second and final round of nomination shall be submitted to the OVPAA on or before November 22.
Check out the following sites for updates on Dr. Judy M. Taguiwalo and the 2009 U.P. Faculty Regent Nomination and Selection:
Judy Taguiwalo: Best Choice 4 UP Faculty Regent
J.M. Taguiwalo: 2009 U.P. Faculty Regent